Vaccine Injuries

Baseluos Law Firm (BLF) files claims on behalf of individuals throughout the United States injured by vaccines. The firm’s principal partner Michael Baseluos is admitted in the Federal Court of Claims , where he practices in the Vaccine Court .

The federal government created the National Vaccine Compensation Program to provide an alternative to lawsuits against drug makers by injured individuals. The government has set up a Vaccine Court headed by Special Masters and compensates injured individuals from a special fund especially set up for vaccine injuries.

Baseluos Law Firm usually files a petition on behalf of the injured victim against the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Department of Justice (DOJ) employs counsel to represent the Secretary in such lawsuits.

There are generally two phases to such a lawsuit. The first is causation. In this phase, BLF coordinates the collection and submission of all major medical records. For infants injured by vaccines, those records also include pre-natal records. BLF then secures major experts such as board-certified neurologists to review the records and provide a written opinion as to causation. Those experts will often testify as well either personally or via teleconference. If the Secretary challenges causation, expect experts from their side to write a written opinion and testify if necessary.

There are many scientific factors that go into proving a case up for causation including medical history and the timeline from when the person received the vaccine and when they produced symptoms of a reaction.

The Special Master takes into account all the evidence and then makes a decision about causation. If the Special Master agrees that the vaccine caused the injuries, the case proceeds to the 2nd phase : Damages.

BLF employs several experts including a Life Care Planner to set forth a case on the proper damages. The amount of damages awarded are critical to ensuring that the injured victim has the financial resources to weather further additional medical treatment and present and future loss of earnings. If you are not satisfied with the amount of the award, then the Special Master gives you permission to sue the drug maker directly. However, a claim must be brought in the Vaccine Court first.

The Vaccine Compensation program has set forth a Vaccine Injury Table listing specific vaccines and the associated injuries as a guide to Special Masters and the parties. The table is by no means exclusive. If you are the victim of a vaccine that is not listed on the table, you may still file a claim and receive compensation.

The beauty of the government program is that the government pays all attorney fees associated with filing and making the claim. Consequently, BLF does not operate on a contingency fee and receives all its compensation directly from the government. Filing fees, expert fees, and any other out of pocket costs are also reimbursed through the program. The government reimburses victims even if the Special Master denies their claim! Although we do not work on a contingency basis, we still work as hard as possible to make sure you get every penny of compensation needed to take you through life.

BLF handles all types of vaccine cases. We have worked with infant injuries such as encephalopathy (seizures) from the DTAP vaccine to Guillain Barre syndrome aka GBS (a neurological disorder) from the influenza (flu) vaccine.

BLF handles cases on a nationwide basis. That means, we handle cases outside of Texas. We can handle these cases, because much of the communications through the Court of Claims is via teleconference and e-mail. We have worked and obtained awards for clients without ever physically seeing them. We communicate and keep clients informed every step of the way.

If you have a vaccine injury, DO NOT DELAY. There is a strict statute of limitations, and you will be barred if you do not file a petition on time. A well-qualified attorney familiar with Court of Claims is an invaluable asset.

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Client Reviews

Mr. Baseluos is an excellent lawyer who kept my mother informed of all proceeding concerning her vaccine compensation case. I thank God for sending him to us. If you ever want a professional, reliable, trustworthy, and honest lawyer, make sure to give Mr. Michael Adly Baseluos a call at Baseluos law...

Lydia, Client

He is an excellent attorney. He dedicated much of his time to my case and always answered my questions in an timely manner. He made sure I understood the whole legel process from start to finish. I would recommend him as an attorney.

Amanda, Vaccine Injury

Great service & very professional. Will retain your services again if needed. Thank you so much for what you did for my son. Mr. Baseluos, thank you so much for your services that you provided for my son. Your services rendered is greatly appreciated.
