in Your Fight for Justice
Personal Injury

Companies and individuals alike have a duty of care to ensure the safety of the general public. When these entities violate their duty of care, they are negligent and their actions often lead to serious injury. Often, those injuries are tragedies that cause serious injury and ruin people’s lives. When these events occur, the clients of Baseluos Law Firm turn to legal counsel for assistance and guidance. The firm’s mission is to employ strategic litigation to achieve a higher recovery for their injuries.
- Automobile Collision
- Aviation
- Bicycle Crashes
- Burn Injuries
- Bus Crashes
- Child Abuse
- Molestation
- Child Injuries
- Civil Rights
- Violations
- Construction Accidents
- Elder Abuse
- Eye Injuries
- Head Injuries
- Industrial Accidents
- Legal Malpractice
- Lottery Fraud
- Mold
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Off-Road/Recreational Vehicles
- Premises Liability
- Spinal Cord Injuries (Quadriplegic, Paraplegic, Paralysis)
- Trucking Accidents
Injured Victims of Negligence
Car, Truck, SUV, and other vehicle collisions generally create life-altering injuries. Airline crashes and aviation disasters ravage innocent people. Do you know how many crashes occur as a result of defectively designed and engineered engines and parts? Passengers do not realize the real truth because the airlines pressure them to settle for a small amount in the hope people will not get smart as to the scandalous reasons behind the crash.
Defective machinery and faulty products maim children and workers. Who will hold these individuals and anonymous corporate giants accountable? Baseluos Law Firm strives to obtain verdicts and settlements that not only compensate sufferers of injustice but also punish those who would sacrifice innocent lives in the pursuit of a dollar.
The pain and the devastation from these injuries are indescribable. Bike and auto accidents can spur brain damage in children. Underpaid workers in sweatshops suffer burns or have their limbs amputated on account of corporations that skimp on poorly constructed factory machines.
As the founder of Baseluos Law Firm, I am proud of what I do. I help people in their fight for justice. I believe in accountability – who will be held responsible? Mistakes happen, but more often than not, companies simply do not put safety above making money. That is the truth, and it is a cold, hard one. Well, I am sorry but I cannot stand idly by. I have one of the most powerful weapons ever created to fight injustice. It is not a firearm or nuclear weapon. It is a law degree and a license to practice law.
I LIKE helping the little guy. I am angry when I hear about a passenger who is blinded by a faulty air bag. I am angry when I hear about a hazardous intersection that causes someone to break their spinal column and become paralyzed. I am angry when I hear about young men who are unnecessarily beaten by police – public servants who have lost all sense of their mission to protect and serve.
I take that anger and I channel it into an organized lawsuit designed to illuminate every liability and damages aspect of a personal injury or wrongful death case. Remember that personal injury is not always in the form of an auto accident. My firm handles diverse personal injury cases including workplace harassment, employment discrimination, child molestation, and civil rights abuse.
The mantra of Baseluos Law Firm is total accountability and safety responsibility. The duty of the firm is not only just to its clients but also to public safety as a whole.
Commitment to the Use of Technology
The foundation of our personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits is to build a solid case that helps mediators, judges and juries understand and appreciate why an accident happened and why the defendant is responsible for the devastating consequences.
In this day and age, if you don’t employ technology with a jury, you will lose them and you will hurt your client. The opponents of Baseluos Law Firm — the insurance companies, the major corporations and the big defense law firms — are not interested in quick and quiet settlement. You have to have the know-how and desire to fight, to illustrate the case in front of a jury for maximum effectiveness. A jury appreciates that you are prepared and that you have worked hard and prepared the case for them, they will believe the victim, and they will be inclined to make things right. Technology goes a long way toward influencing a jury for then that firm can achieve the highest possible recovery for their injured clients and their loved ones.